Chapter for Hot Flashes is an interactive program designed by experts to help you take control of your most troublesome menopause symptoms and, along the way, improve your relationship to aging. You will learn how your thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on your emotions, your actions and how you experience menopause symptoms in your body (e.g. hot flashes, night sweats, sleeplessness, and low mood). You will learn and apply evidence-based strategies on how to spot your unhelpful thoughts, replace them with helpful one and kick off a positive chain reaction of emotions and actions that calm your parasympathetic nervous system and lessen your physical symptoms. A virtuous circle.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app
- Welcome!
- Optimism Check
- Chapter 1: Because knowledge is power
- Lesson: The Power of Daily Practice
- Lesson: The Variation of Menopause